Fitness Gaming - Portal Gaming World


Are you ready for a challenging and fun yet effective way to train?

If you are bored with your regular fitness routines and you need something new that will entertain and motivate you while you exercise, you are in the right place. Gaming Gym is a revolutionary way to train, as it combines effective whole-body training, improved conditioning and movement coordination and top-notch fun as you can explore new worlds, by flying,  bouldering or dancing on the podium as you are exercising.

Exciting games and a bunch of fun will make you completely forget about your efforts to exercise.


Are you ready for a challenging and fun yet effective way to train?

If you are bored with your regular fitness routines and you need something new that will entertain and motivate you while you exercise, you are in the right place. Gaming Gym is a revolutionary way to train, as it combines effective whole-body training, improved conditioning and movement coordination and top-notch fun as you can explore new worlds, by flying,  bouldering or dancing on the podium as you are exercising.

Exciting games and a bunch of fun will make you completely forget about your efforts to exercise.


Balance and Strength

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ICAROS combines fitness and virtual reality to bring you a revolutionary workout experience – exciting and effective at the same time! This is a great stability workout machine, with the torso, back, and shoulder stabilizer muscles engaged. Exploring virtual worlds will make you forget about the workout effort!


Coordination and Reflexes

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If you want to get up and move after a long day at work or simply because you were sitting around for too long, do it in VR. Do a great cardio workout during which you will probably sweat a bunch but you’ll certainly have fun while working on the mobility of your shoulder girdle and the spine itself. Practicing in VR contributes to a good development of coordination because it “forces” you to move your hands asynchronously and to be constantly on the move. The parts of the body that will be most involved are the arms, chest, legs and all the muscles around the spine. (Mobility)



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Dance and release some stress. If you are bored with running on a treadmill, try a game called Just Dance. The same effect will be achieved, and with your favorite song, you will burn the excess calories you have accumulated during the day. With this game, no muscle will be neglected, it engages the whole body. No power required, just a little sense of rhythm is needed. This is a workout for everyone.


Strength and Endurance

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Did you know that bouldering is an Olympic sport from this year? The combination of a unique, exciting and healthy gaming experience enhances your torso, arm, leg strength. It also improves coordination and speed.

For one training session, you can choose between 3 types of gaming: Just Dance, Gaming Wall, VR, Icaros. Each of them affects a specific muscle group and tracks calorie consumption.

Standard Trening


make a combo:

ICAROS | 5 min
VR | 15 min
JUST DANCE | 10 min
GAMING WALL | 10 min

1 training | 1000 RSD
4 trainings | 3000 RSD


make a combo:

ICAROS | 10 min
VR | 30 min
JUST DANCE | 20 min
GAMING WALL | 15 min

1 training | 1600 RSD
4 trainings | 4800 RSD

If you want to relax after a workout, have a warm bath and unwind, a Deluxe Suite is available at an extra cost.